Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Other than road work

The new road is not the only thing we have been working on. Rob has been busy preparing the old sheds, so that he will have a covered in working area for when he starts working on the timbers for the timber frame. With some help from his brother Ryan, he first had to get at the old shed, which was overgrown with trees.

Then the two of them started the task of clearing out all the old wood and building materials, debris, and porcupine poop that had accumulated over the years. (O.K. I am guessing it was porcupine poop, but I am sure there is also raccoon, and other critters that have called this shed home!)

Anything that we may be able to use, was moved to a second shed.  I am pretty adamant we won't be using it for interior wood projects (again with the porcupine poop!) but we may be able to salvage some I suppose.

Rob has continued to clean out the sheds, and there were some fun things in there - like an old claw foot tub (missing two claws) and a pile of old brick  - there's got to be something we can do with those! I'm thinking the tub would be great in the garden...

Finally he was able to get the tractor in to the shed, and start the long process of scraping out the soil, and getting everything level and ready so he can add stone, and a concrete floor to work on!

At the same time he has scraped down all around the shed to give him more access too. That process brought it's own great finds - a big old metal spring harrow for my garden, or maybe at one of the bends in the new road.

In between this work and the road work, we spend a lot of time walking the land, trying to get a good feel for what is around us, for when and where the sun shines, and the breeze blows.  Trying to find our survey pins, and determine where our property ends and the neighbour's begins.  When it is hot and sunny, we are pulled outside again and again, and we must walk it 4 or 5 times a day or more.

At the end of the day, tired and dirty, Rob comes home, but always has enough energy to spend some time playing with Jet.

Then we usually all go for one more long walk, and enjoy the evening sounds and sights, before we all settle in for dinner, and some time together on the porch. Listening to the sounds of the river, the constant wind in the trees, and the rustlings in the forest, we plan our tasks for the next day, sometimes do some web or book research, chat with family and friends on the phone, and head off for a good night's sleep.


  1. Alison, great job. Keep it up! Nice graphic style (colour and layout), keep them pictures coming. I like your writing style too, simple observations with lots of insight.


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