Saturday, 4 May 2013

The dog has taken over.....

Finally, I get a chance to fit a word in edgewise - Mom's away and  I get to take over the blog (I call it  "OverExposedAndSlightlyBentAndWellBehaved(JustKidding)" . Yes! While Mom is out of town, the German Shepherd Dog (a.k.a.Jet) has taken over the blog! Arf Arf! (or Arffffgh if I use my pirate bark - surprisingly, I have a number of different barks). 

So Dad and I have been batching it. Don't know if you saw the photo from the last time we had a chance to do this (I was just a puppy then) but I couldn't find it so just imagine my crate with a stack of beer (German of course) and PlayDog magazines and you will get a pretty good idea of what a swell time we had. Now that I'm all grown up though, we don't bother with all the kids stuff (I got rid of the crate).

We are definitely in the male bonding mode and taking extreme risks like you won't believe. Yesterday Dad ate an apple WITHOUT WASHING IT and today we used a cutting board WITHOUT BLEACHING IT. Not as dangerous as Auntie Lynne though - she was RUNNING WITH SCISSORS.

But don't think it's just an all day party here like last time (oops, Dad said not to mention that).  Actually, I just work from dawn to dusk helping out with just about everything. For instance, first thing in the morning, we have to feed the cats - Dad feeds them and I bark. Next, it's time to feed me, Dad prepares my daily Kongs and I bark. Then Dad feeds me so I bark. Next we go out to play, Dad throws things, I catch them and I bark. Then I have to go for a ride in the car so I bark. Strangely, we never seem to go too far (and what does reactive mean anyway - I don't know ... so I bark). Here's me getting ready to ride!

I gotta tell ya by 10:30 I'm a little tired of having to bark all the time - the man is a slave driver!

Yesterday we tried welding for the first time. It's pretty easy - Dad makes lots of sparks and I bark (but I had to wear funny glasses). We used a MIG welder which stands for Metal Inert Gas (sometimes I have gas too, but it's sure not inert!). 

Dad says he's going to weld me a nice collar for swimming in the river but I'm not sure he knows what he's doing - I just don't think that things gonna float all that well!

Today we installed a solar panel and an inverter so Dad has lights in his shop so I barked. It was very interesting when we connected the inverter - there were big sparks and we had to check something called "polarity" - as it works out - it's a lot like welding! I barked. Here's the test panel - it lights up and everything.

Well gotta go - will let you know if Dad survives. All I can say is ….Bark


  1. I must say this makes a refreshing difference, now that Alison has taken a "paws" from blogging. The new blogger has a good sense of prose and of course mentions barking a lot -- always a plus. Can't have enough of the barking references, I always say. Thoroughly enjoyable; will recommend it to all my friends.

  2. Jet ..your blogging skills are vastly improved from the last time you and dad spent time must have been reading that doggy blogging book that aunt elizabeth sent.. way to go ..the goggles have a very DQ look by the way..keep up the good work and give a loving bark to Mom for us when she gets home ..hugs and belly rubs ..Uncle Gary and Aunt Elizabeth

  3. Thank you for your comments! Jet would respond but he is busy being de-programmed - too much male bonding time I think. He needs to get in touch again with his feminine side.

  4. Although I would have to admit that his blog made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh.....

  5. Didn't even know you were blogging until I went back into my archives to read about Norah's birth...saw your username and found this space through there! Great to run into you here and there...feels like you're becoming locals! We have a few gigs booked for July/August and will let you know. Loved reading through your archives, and look forward to warming your new home with music someday.
    Love, Stephanie

    1. Yes please let us know when you are performing! And would love to have you warm our new home with music.... so will take you up on that for sure. One of these days we will run into each other and have time for coffee and a chat, but I know you have limited time right now to run your errands. See you soon,
      Love to all,


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