Monday, 3 September 2012

Last day of the long weekend

It's the last day of the long weekend, and it's hot and sunny and absolutely lovely out. The weather forecast promises a more seasonable cool and cloudy week, so I've been outside as much as possible today.  Rob is up fighting with the walls of the shed, and I'm sure he'd rather be doing something else on such a nice day. The concrete is curing nicely, and this weekend we took down all the remaining wood and stuff that was in the rafters, and Rob has been washing everything down to get rid of the remaining - well for lack of any better words - old animal poo! Now he is putting up the framing and walls.  I went up to see if he needed anything, but there's not much I can do. He was really not happy with his progress when I arrived.  It's just one of those days when he could use some extra strong helping hands, and someone bigger and stronger than me!  I had been off in the woods trying to clear some paths but it soon became clear that gardening gloves and a branch trimmer were not going to get the job done. I get frustrated too, when I realise that I will have to wait for Rob to get in with his tractor to do it. I came back to the cabin and decided the best thing to do would be to go cool off in the river.  It was a brilliant idea.

The river is really low due to the drought conditions. In front of the cabin it barely reaches my ankles, and at the highest point is just over my knees. Still, it was nice to be in, and it was a bit more refreshing in the deeper parts. I watched a kingfisher go up and down the river but he's fast and there was no chance for a photo.

As I went up to the point where we will build the new house, I suddenly realised the mergansers were out, and there were eight of them! For some reason they didn't seem as worried about me coming at them from the river. If I had been on the river bank they would have flown. So even with my old camera I was able to get a decent photo.  The did eventually leave, but they were pretty leisurely about it, they just slowly swam away up the river.

Walking back I closed my eyes to listen to the river. With our bedroom window open every night we can hear it, and when I can't sleep I just focus on the sound, and before I know it I'm asleep. Even though the river is low, there is still enough of a flow for that lovely sound as it goes over the rocks.

It's nice to just stand in the river and admire the view. Watch the crows and blue jays fly back and forth. I could hear a gull and the Great Blue Heron. Watch the small fish, and hear the splash when they jump.

We were lucky to find some good river shoes when we arrived this summer at a local store. Without them the sharp limestone bottom would slice our feet. They are also useful when the rocks are a bit slippery too.

Back in the cabin I'm feeling more refreshed. Tomorrow is another day, and if I can't clear paths there's plenty of other things I can do. In the meantime, I will have to think about what to make for dinner, and get Jet out for a nice walk. Maybe bring Rob up a cool drink as well, and see if things are going any better up there!

Yesterday I meant to post a little bit about dinner plans.  While Rob is busy building, I am in charge of pretty much all of the meal planning, and most of the cooking, although Rob does all of the BBQ'ing, which we've done a lot of, due to all the fabulous weather we've been having.  I couldn't resist all of the fresh produce at the farmer's market the last week or so, and our fridge and counters are stuffed with red peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic etc. Last night I cooked up a tasty dish - sauteed chicken with organic onions, organic garlic, red peppers, Roma tomatoes, and chopped chipotles. Served them over a pile of organic red potatoes. Absolutely delicious!

Unfortunately, it was late, we were hungry, and I didn't take a photo of that pretty dish. Oh well - you get the idea it was good. Tonight will probably see us having a good fresh salad, and homemade pizzas with a chipotle sauce base, and some chorizo, peppers, and blue cheese.   I just checked on Rob, things are going better, and he plans on working 'til sunset as tomorrow is calling for rain.
So I am on Jet's play duty, and need to settle the cats in with some food before I can start cooking.
With a bit of luck it will still be warm enough to sit out on the porch for at least one more night!

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