Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Two woofs

Finally I get my chance to contribute something to this blog. It’s my birthday today and I am now 2 years old. Mom and Dad say I’m lucky to see 2 – whatever that means. If you want to send me presents I love Wubbas, Kongs, dried liver treats, carrots, bananas and apple pie. Don’t tell Mom about the apple pie part.
This is me as a puppy. Mom says I have had this worried look all of my life, but that I look happier and more relaxed since we got here.

Mom thinks I don’t have much to blog about, she says I mostly play, eat and sleep, but my days here are really pretty interesting and I have a lot of responsibilities.
I have to wait in the morning until someone finally gets up.  Then I go downstairs and check all the perimeters to make sure that everything in the house is the way it was when I went to bed. I don’t really like change.
Usually Dad makes coffee  then takes me outside, and Mom feeds those pesky cats. Well, I like Leon but the other cats are pesky.  I have a nice comfy bed on the porch so usually I get a nice Kong bone stuffed with kibble to nibble on while I wait to be served my breakfast. Mom and Dad like to feed me small amounts of my breakfast at a time, so if they get distracted while reading stuff on the PC my breakfast sometimes takes forever.
Then we have to wait a whole half hour before I am allowed to go play.  If I think it’s been long enough I bark and bark and bark but that doesn’t seem to get me out any quicker.  Then I get to go chase wubbas, and sometimes play with my jolly ball, and jump and leap and run, and play games until I can’t think any more and I am tired. Then we go for a walk. Mom and Dad think I take too long on my walk, but they have NO idea what things have been out in the woods overnight. Yikes ! I need to sniff everything to see what has gone on since the last time I was out.

This is me and Dad playing. Mom said we looked like we were being silly boys.

I get to do the same thing at lunch and dinner time, except I don’t get any lunch.

In between I mostly sleep, but if anything moves or makes a noise, I am on full alert and will bark. I bark at the heron, and the gulls, and the chipmunks, and the red squirrels, and if anyone is in the river, and sometimes people are talking outside somewhere so I bark then too.

Mom and Dad don’t like it if I bark too long though, so I am learning to just bark until they pay attention, and then I will “shush”.

The new place is pretty cool. I know when Dad is coming home because I can hear the tractor coming. I hear it a long time before Mom does.  I get to go into the river sometimes and chase floating wubbas. We walk along the river edge, and up roads, and down paths. Before I was born Mom and Dad named me Von Schnootzel, and now they have named one of the paths after me and call it Von Schnootzel lane.  I think it should be called Jet's Way.

I haven’t been out in the truck since I got here, except Mom puts me in sometimes and gives me cookies. Not sure what that is about. Sometimes I don't have a leash on, and decide to go my own way and she opens the truck door and I can't resist coming back and getting in. Maybe it's those cookies....

I like this photo of me the best 'cos I look black and scary. But Mom says it's because the camera was at 1600 ISO and the photo is grainy. I don't care - I still think I look good.

Mom took this photo of me in the river last year. She won't take her new camera in the river in case I splash it or something, so there are no photos of me swimming this year. I love going in the river.

Well, that's probably all I am going to write about for my birthday. I just want everyone to know that I am still waiting for my birthday cake.


  1. Hi, Alison -- The need for extra hands on these jobs is one of those things you encounter all the time. There are just some tasks you can't easily manage on your own and it's frustrating trying to find workarounds. Poco a poco se va lejos, right?

  2. Absolutely. Also - tomorrow is another day .....


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